Birmingham Entrepreneurs Meetup

Tuesday 8th October

6:30 PM

Event starts in20d 6h 58m

Monthly opportunity to meet fellow entrepreneurs at different stages of business

Date & Time

Event starts in20d 6h 58m

About Event

Monthly opportunity to meet fellow entrepreneurs at different stages of business, hosted by Dave Evans. Try out a new business idea in a safe and constructive environment. Free.

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What's On!

Friday 20th September

7:45 AM

Birmingham Jazz Presents: Henrick Jenson Trio

A new constellation of three remarkable musicians who are exploring the compositions by bassist Henrik Jensen. With a strong focus on interplay the trio blurs the lines between the composed and improvised material. An open sound that allows for a lyrical approach but also appreciates the high energy of rhythmic complexity in both swing and […]

Friday 20th September

8:00 PM


1000 Trades Presents: Bootes The Herdsman

The ever-so affable Bootes presents his huge and diverse record collection

Friday 27th September

7:45 PM

Birmingham Jazz Presents: Ligia Trio

Pianist Nick Manz showcases his burgeoning skill-set, which has already seen him dazzling on TV in the notoriously tough BBC Young Jazz Musician final in 2022. With him will be his fast-developing Trio Lígia. Nick attended the Junior Department at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, studying with Percy Pursglove and Mike Williams. After his A Levels […]


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